How SSTS Diesel+ can offer a sustainable solution to decrease air pollution, we first need to understand how this severe environmental problem started. Smog is formed mainly by a mixture of pollutants in the atmosphere which consists of fine particles, smog occurs mainly because of air pollution smog also refers to hazy air that makes breathing difficult.
The atmospheric pollutants or gases that form smog are released in the air when fuels are burnt. When sunlight and its heat react with these gases and fine particles in the atmosphere( are called precursors). The main sources of these precursors are pollutants released directly into the air by gasoline and diesel-run vehicles, industrial plants and activities, and heating due to human activities. Smog is often caused by heavy traffic, high temperatures, sunshine and calm winds. It hampers visibility and disturbs the environment.
Smog is harmful and it is evident from the components that form it and effects that can happen from it. It is harmful to humans, animals, plants and the nature as a whole. When a city or town gets covered in smog, the effects are felt immediately. Smog can be responsible for any ailment from minor pains to deadly pulmonary diseases such as lung cancer. Smog is well known for causing irritation in the eye. It may also result in inflammation in the tissues of lungs; giving rise to pain in the chest. Other issues or illnesses such as cold and pneumonia are also related to smog. The human body faces great difficulty in defending itself against the harmful effects of smog.
Minor exposure to smog can lead to greater threats of asthma attacks; people suffering from asthma problems must avoid exposure.
So how should you fight with the forceful impact of smog? It can be reduced by implementing modifications in your lifestyle, decreasing the consumption of fuels and by the use of SSTS Diesel+, an enzyme based fuel additive that creates a full combustion of fuels.
The atmospheric pollutants or gases that form smog are released in the air when fuels are burnt. The main sources of these precursors are pollutants released directly into the air by gasoline and diesel-run vehicles, industrial plants and activities, and heating due to human activities.
Smog is often caused by heavy traffic, high temperatures, sunshine and calm winds.
In the SSTS Diesel+ product are about 10 different sorts of enzymes dissolved, they create a chain of biochemical reactions, the enzymes become bio catalysts. Some enzymes have the task to find the unsaturated molecules, that are in the fuel due to the cracking of the fuel in the refinery, while others work on the molecules itself. SSTS Diesel+ not only improves fuel and thermal efficiency in internal combustion engines, it also enables fuels to be fired in existing boilers, kilns, and power plants with Low Excess Air (LEA). Combusting with LEA has the advantage of reducing pollutant emissions via reduced fuel consumption through improved fuel energy conversion efficiency (fuel to steam efficiency). The released energy increases performance and economy; the reduction in contaminants reduces carbon build-up, reduces wear and lowers harmful emissions. Any combustion process on fossil fuel oils can benefit from SSTS Diesel+.
Our with SSTS Diesel+ enriched fuels give a better combustion in any engine resulting in decrease of fuel consumption.
Due to the complete combustion carbon emissions, soot and particulates will be reduced up to its minimum.
Meaning cleaner air to breath, less emmissions and particulate matter 35-70%.
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